Tia aesthetics centre


Stem Cell

The newly developed stem cell treatment for hair loss shows a high potential in invigorating new hair growth. This new age treatment addresses the problem of thinning hair among both men and women. The hair growth slows down gradually with growing age. This generates the feeling of low confidence and less attractive among most men who go through terrible hair loss at an early age of 30s. Whatever seems to be the reason for hair loss, stem cell treatment has emerged as a savior to those men who are suffering from dropping confidence due to baldness.

This newly learned stem cell is capable of making new cells that our body does not generally create on its own such as cardiac cells, nerve cells, mature blood cells, and many more. When the damaged or dead hair follicles tend to stop growing, our body fails to replace them with the new growth. Here, stem cells can play a role by re-triggering the growth of those hair follicles and replacing the old or damaged hair. This method can be of great help for achieving thick and lustrous hair growth.

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